Team KVB (Keep Venice Beautiful).

  • We’re the Volunteers in the Bright Yellow Shirts!

  • Maintaining our Parks, Trails & Beaches

    Keeping Venice Beautiful!

Working with the City of Venice & Sarasota County

Team KVB works with the City of Venice and Sarasota County to help maintain its parks, trails, and beaches. Our 50-strong male and female volunteers are out every Thursday, year-round, trimming trails, restoring sites, weeding, removing invasives, mulching, and preparing the Arboretum for its Christmas holiday celebration. You will know our group by our bright yellow shirts and signs.

The history of Team KVB (Keep Venice Beautiful) goes back 2003 when it was founded as the Pepper Patrol to remove the invasive Brazilian Pepper from the newly built Venetian Waterway Park Trail. Team KVB is under Venice Area Beautification Inc. (VABI)’s canopy of projects.

Award-Winning Work

Team KVB has received many awards from Sarasota County, the City of Venice, and the Venice Sertoma Club for its maintenance and restoration efforts. It was instrumental in helping Venice achieve first place in a national contest conducted by America in Bloom.

Annually, Team KVB provides over 2400 volunteer hours in our area. Next time you are out on a trail, park, or beach and you see our yellow shirts, give us a shout out!

Team KVB

Winning Award, Venice Sertoma Club: Service to Mankind

We are the KEEP in Venice Area BEAUTIFICATION, Inc.

Team KVB